Week 02 -- Choosing a Business
This has been an interesting week. I signed up for this web business class not entirely knowing exactly what it entailed and already having a business and business model in mind but not having the knowledge of how to do the web design, and specifically web business design. Week 01 excited and frightened me to think that at the end of the 13 weeks how much closer I could potentially be towards my end goal. Week 02 pulled me back a little and has me thinking about things from a different perspective and I am interested in seeing how my original goal changes in the next few months. There are more business models out there than I realized, each with pro's and con's and none of them perfect but all with potential. 18 years ago when I was learning HTML via google on dial up and creating a family website that talked about us with different music and animation on each page feels like eons ago. ~Heather