Week 10 --ROI and Optimizing

I won't lie, this week has been a struggle.  I couldn't get the snippet code on a single page instead of the entire site, I was trying to clean up my Google Ads because it was the digital version of when I stuff everything into a closet.  I had made several different ads/campaigns/ad groups etc when we first started that it was just a hot mess at it's best.  In deleting the extra ads I also deleted the ads I wanted to keep.  I was frustrated.  Cleaning up my Google Ads account was very helpful and I started thing about it as a whole, not separate parts (keyword planner, ads, etc).  I started this week just walking through steps not really knowing why or what it was doing and by the end of the week parts of it has started to make sense, enough for me to be able to work through things, not just follow a list of steps and not know what to do when something goes wrong.  Line upon line.
