Week 12 -- Social Media

I can not remember in my 17 years of school not struggling the first week after Thanksgiving.  This semester is no different and things that I think should be easy to at least follow step by step instructions have not been easy (looking at Project 5) and Google Ads data doesn't show much of a difference in pausing keywords and adding new ones, I don't know if there would be a bigger change with a bigger budget, more time, or more traffic in general but I was hoping to see more of a change than I have.  Some of the information like meta tags and naming all of my images seem overwhelming since my website is for photography.  Since I am continuing my website after the class is over I am grateful for the break coming up so I can work on completing rough edges on my website since I also don't go back to work until after Christmas.  I am grateful that I knew ahead of time that this week would likely be a struggle and I've allowed myself extra time for breaks when things get frustrating and to rewatch/reread lessons.  During nursing school, I referred to this week as fake it til you make it, and it still applies.
