Week 13 — Google Analytics

I’ve only ever used Google analytics to see very general information, and now while I know how to find the information and can see relevance in specific situations I am still learning which parts are going to be valuable to me and my business. Obviously I want most of my traffic to be local, or at least regional but beyond that I don’t know besides hmmm, that’s interesting. It is definitely interesting when I have active users in real time. The only time I’ve seen them is when I’ve had friends helping me test it out, but still cool that it can be seen.

The overwhelming amount of data can be...overwhelming for a non-data driven person like me. I know where it is at and how to find it, but what does it all mean?  I also don’t want to be in hospital administration for the exact same reasons. Tons of raw data and having to pick and choose what is relevant and what isn’t can be a difficult process.
